Building and architectural law

Architectural law

Drafting of architect contracts in full and staged commissioning

Legal support for architects in fee litigation

Legal representation of construction supervisors in the enforcement of claims in joint and several liability

Legal clarification of warranty questions in architectural law

Building contract law

Drafting of complex construction contracts in close cooperation with the investors and planners (among others, ECB Frankfurt/Main)

Legal support of the construction process from tendering and contractual negotiations to the building procedure and acceptance/consultation of the final invoice (among others, ALEXA Shopping Centre Berlin)

Legal support for construction companies in preparing and enforcing claims in the event of disturbances in the building process (among others, Klinikum Karlsruhe)

Filing and enforcing of subsequent claims, both in respect to additional volumes and modifications in planning specifications, also for the order of additional services (among others, multi-storey car park in Taunton/GB)

Legal clarification of issues relating to surety laws

Enforcement of claims relating to bankruptcy in the construction process (both on the side of the contracting party and on the side of the service providers)

Legal clarification of problems relating to securities and collaterals

Public sector building law

Representation of private investors in building and planning proceedings

Representation of legal interests concerning the rights of neighbours

Court representation in administrative action or rescissory action

Contesting of official rulings

Public procurement law

Legal representation in tender procedures (elimination, complaints of defects in the tender documentation)

Active conflict management concerning contracts with the public sector